Independent Regulation 44 Visitors

Independent Regulation 44 visitors are able to register and showcase their profile locally, regionally and nationally by adding their details to the national register. Profiles can be updated regularly ensuring the best possible exposure and enabling registered children’s home providers to search for them.


Registered children’s home providers

Public and private registered children’s home providers can search the national register for the right person based on location, skills, experience and other specific criteria quickly and easily and for a small fee obtain details of independent Regulation 44 visitors. Initial searches can be made of the national database for free using the search facility in the search section and once logged in, details of independent Regulation 44 visitors can be requested.

Registered children’s home providers are able to search locally, regionally and nationally using a wide search criteria which includes gender, ethnicity, communication skills, areas of professional expertise and much more.


Supporting REG44

REG44 is a mutually beneficial community for all professionals involved in registered children’s homes. REG44 welcomes your support to help the network to grow.

Need help finding the right independent regulation 44 visitor?

Email with your Children’s home information: info@regulation44.local